Special Services
Mrs. Christina Gouraige, Director of Special Services
(201) 391-2900, ext. 3600cgouraige@montvalek8.org
The Supervisor of Special Services is responsible for the oversight of the Child Study Team and all of its activities. The Child Study Team is comprised of a Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant, School Psychologist, School Social Worker, and three Speech/Language Specialists. These specialists work with students, their parents, and teachers to identify student needs and facilitate academic achievement. Needs may include: speech and language delays, social and emotional difficulties, and/or academic skill deficits.
Thank you to those who could join us for our presentation: Wrapping Up Spring & Starting September Strong: Strategies for a Successful School End and Getting a Start on a New School Year’s Beginning on 5/24/22. We wanted to share a recording of the presentation for those who could not attend live. Please click on the link below to view the recording.
Click HERE to view the presentation
Please do not hesitate to reach out should you have any questions.
Special Services Resources
Special Services Staff
Learning Disabilities Teacher/Consultant
Cindy Gardner (201) 391-2900 ext. 3603 cgardner@montvalek8.org Child Study Team Secretary
Tammy Remenschneider (201) 391-2900 ext. 3600 District Occupational Therapist
Gail Niederman (201) 391-2900 ext. 3165 |
Memorial Speech/Language Specialist
Michele Liquori
(201) 391-2900 ext. 3606
Memorial Speech/Language Specialist
Patricia Pizzuta
(201) 391-2900 ext. 3607
Fieldstone Speech/Language Specialist
Brittany Prisco
(201) 391-9000 ext. 2141